Posted on in Action, Lifestyle, Fashion, Campaign, Underwater, Advertising, Travel
TIS in Bali
The Insanity Spectrum kick start campaign had to be shot in Bali! When we looked at all the logistic, to make something cool there was no other option then to head to Bali. The choice of locations and freedom without rules and regulation was a no brainer. It was 5 days. 1 day scouting and three days of shooting and we spent the last day recovering and saying "what the fuck have we done!!". We were there mainly shooting a video with a very tight schedule. This mean trying to shoot stills in between takes and pushing the limit. All in all models were amazing, it was lots of fun and we got some great stuff! I have always said a great photo is a colaboration of a great team. When you have a great team, magic happens!!! stand by, Video to come soon.
Stylist: Marion Max - Models Karina @ Balistarz, Maddi @ Balistarz, Katia @ Balistarz, Kelly @ Balistarz, Will @ Established Models , Zak James
Posted on in Portait, Lifestyle, Travel, Black&White, Underwater, Bikini, Hotels & Resorts, Action
Festival of PORLWI
It's been a hectic three months and one being invited to do a photoshoot for a festival in Mauritius. The idea was two spend two weeks on the island shooting three concept which would be printed into posters plastered around the capital, Port Louis, with a QCode imbeded in the image. Clicking on the QCode would give you the rest of the shoot from the one poster, all in a video, kind of behind the scene type of thing. So during those two weeks, I was racing around the island grabing what I could while dodging torretial rain! Organization was a key and lucky I could pull out the trump card of once being a local to gather people that could make things happen. They put me into a five star Hotel which I didn't have time for a swim because of the busy schedule! The trhee shoot had to be done in a week to allow printing time. So in between I would allow myself for personal work, shooting what I could and what was available to me. Here are a few of what I gathered during that time and catching up with some friends. One of the images below is that guys at night walking around the street and putting up the posters! All I missed really, was my wife and kids to be with me!!
The PORLWI by light festival was a huge sucess due to the reluctant effort of a very talented team of people!
Posted on in Black&White, Lifestyle, Portait, Scenery, Travel
I had the opportunity to travel to Madagascar to do some work and took time also to get some black and white photos in between shoots. This place is so big, it takes time to go from one side to the other! There is still so much of the old Africa you can find there!!
Shot on 6x6 TriX Film with a Hasselblad.
Posted on in Lifestyle, Travel, Action, Scenery
A change in landscape
December was the busiest time that Erick and I ever experienced and we got to work with some great people doing some great things and on the last day of all the madness, I got on a bus to travel with my family and the inlaws all the way to Hervey bay in Queensland then to Byron, Coffs, Hunter Valley, Blue Mountain, Barossa Valley, the Nullabor and back home. A three week stink that made me saw quite a bit of the country... My Pentax 6x7 broke half way through and I therefore relied on my iphone for the rest of the trip!! I never considered taking photos seriously with the iphone as i consider it a bit of a novelty for instagram or social media antics but this thing packs quite a punch with great resolution and photos that can be used!! The following photos are from the Nullabor leg of a changing landscape and colours!! Most taken on the mooving bus! It really blew my mind...
Happy New Year!!
Posted on in Portait, Travel, Scenery
BTS for Tango Underpants
We both flew to Argentina to be the still photographers for the short film Tango Underpants. It's the story of a girl having to come to terms with wearing revealing underwear with a Tango Dress she wants to buy. It was lots of fun with way to much beef and red wine!! Buenos Aires is incredibly beautiful in terms of architecture and the people here are super nice.
Posted on in Portait, Black&White, Lifestyle, Action, Travel
Reminiscing Cuba
A few years back, we had organized a photoshoot with Fidel Castro in Cuba yet when we got there in turned out to be a nightmare and the government controlling our everymove! So we decided to go underground and did our own things. It was an experience I'll never forget. The coffee, the cigars, the music, the dancing, the girls... just unbeleivable!! We also had an appointment with Ernest Hemmingway's the old man from the old man and the sea. Three days before we got there, he passed away! His son, Miguel, showed us around his father's little house.
We took photos of Ernest's pool (Empty then) where you can still visualize Ava Gardner swimming naked! We had coffee everyday and drinking mojitos and smoking cigars at night! The vibe was spectacular...
Posted on in Travel, Scenery
Ranger's Land
Erick got to go to Kununurra to shoot a Ranger's program for the area. The area is absolutely magic specially from the air!! These pictures were shot with the Leica S2 and some up to 180/s. I still can't beleive how sharp the images came out.
Posted on in Travel, Lifestyle
Bondi's Iceberg
Bondi's Iceberg, March 2012.
Posted on in Travel, Scenery, Lifestyle
Tropical rain in a tropical place
Posted on in Action, Black&White, Travel, Scenery, Lifestyle
Hawaii '12
Well, I had to go back to the island again!! Somehow more names are popping out from people's mouths naming those that are missing in the book that we are doing on the Locals of Hawaii!! So what a better excuse to go and put sand in between my toes again and drink cocktails at Haleiwa Joes! This is Pipeline on the first day I arrived...