Posted on in Nude, Underwater, Advertising

Studio B

The new yoga studio, Studio B wanted some photos for their advertising and sovcial media imulating the calm of our "Floating Bits" underwater series but in colour. The idea would have some kind of shiffon rapped around the models rather than a total nude shoot.

This was shot with a underwater housing in the pool tethered back to a computer. Please check the rest of the photos on our website.

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Posted on in Action, Lifestyle, Fashion, Campaign, Underwater, Advertising, Travel

TIS in Bali

The Insanity Spectrum kick start campaign had to be shot in Bali! When we looked at all the logistic, to make something cool there was no other option then to head to Bali. The choice of locations and freedom without rules and regulation was a no brainer. It was 5 days. 1 day scouting and three days of shooting and we spent the last day recovering and saying "what the fuck have we done!!". We were there mainly shooting a video with a very tight schedule. This mean trying to shoot stills in between takes and pushing the limit. All in all models were amazing, it was lots of fun and we got some great stuff! I have always said a great photo is a colaboration of a great team. When you have a great team, magic happens!!!      stand by, Video to come soon.

Stylist: Marion Max - Models Karina @ Balistarz, Maddi @ Balistarz, Katia @ Balistarz, Kelly @ Balistarz, Will @ Established Models , Zak James

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Posted on in Portait, Lifestyle, Travel, Black&White, Underwater, Bikini, Hotels & Resorts, Action

Festival of PORLWI

It's been a hectic three months and one being invited to do a photoshoot for a festival in Mauritius. The idea was two spend two weeks on the island shooting three concept which would be printed into posters plastered around the capital, Port Louis, with a QCode imbeded in the image. Clicking on the QCode would give you the rest of the shoot from the one poster, all in a video, kind of behind the scene type of thing. So during those two weeks, I was racing around the island grabing what I could while dodging torretial rain! Organization was a key and lucky I could pull out the trump card of once being a local to gather people that could make things happen. They put me into a five star Hotel which I didn't have time for a swim because of the busy schedule! The trhee shoot had to be done in a week to allow printing time. So in between I would allow myself for personal work, shooting what I could and what was available to me. Here are a few of what I gathered during that time and catching up with some friends.  One of the images below is that guys at night walking around the street and putting up the posters! All I missed really, was my wife and kids to be with me!!

The PORLWI by light festival was a huge sucess  due to the reluctant effort of a very talented team of people!

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Posted on in Lifestyle, Commercial, Underwater

It's all about Fishing!

The last couple of months saw us travelling accross the south west for a project for the Fishing Council. From Albany to Perth we went with fishermen in their environment to capture what they do. An exciting jobs where we met great people and experience the freshest catch. The photos here are just a small part of what we captured as we couldn't fit everything in.

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Posted on in Nude, Underwater, Advertising, Campaign

Time for a pool shoot!

Last year, we got to work and colaborate with some wonderful creatives at JWT. They came up with a great concept to shoot underwater for the "Women and Infants Research Foundation". It is meant to look like an adult fetus to show the importance of going the whole nine months as it impacts as a stronger person later on in life. 

Thanks to Cath T. and Dave for the pool and our three brave models. Thanks to BK for the helping hand! And the guys at Cream who did a wonderful work in post.

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Posted on in Black&White, Polaroid, Nude, Underwater

Floating Bits Exhibition

We currently have an exhibition at Linton and Kay Gallery in the city that is running from the 9th to the 23rd of April. Go and check it out if you have time. Thank you Corona for the great beers and Larry Cherubino Wines for the fantastic wines!

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Diana posted on

Hey there! It was really wonderful to meet you both! I was so inspired by your exhibit and work. I did a little write up on it on my own blog urging people to go have a look over at Linton and Kay Gallery. And put up a few of my underwater pics from around the world, too. Here's a link: Smiles! Diana WEAR/TO/

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